Bloggers' Favourite Pinterest Quotes

 You know those pins on Pinterest with little quotes or mottos? I love them! You can see my whole pep talk of a board here, cheesily titled "Inspiring Quotes." I wondered if any of my favourite bloggers liked quote-pinning, and if they had one that they found particularly inspiring? Here's what they said...  The amazing Hollywood Housewife, a.ka. Laura Tremaine, has one of the coolest blogs I have encountered. It's all about her juggling her fabulous life as a wife, mother, soiree hoster, and blogger extraordinaire in Hollywood, as well as being a fountain of useful advice and motivating posts. I love the lush pictures of her home and outfits, and the cute pics of her two impossibly adorable kids. Laura was kind enough to send me this pin, and I was going to email her back and ask if there was any particular reason why she likes it. But, being an avid reader of her blog I get exactly why she lives by this motto. Her life is filled with immensely exciting projects, juxtaposed witth the day to day rigours of running a busy household. She writes honestly and openly about being overwhelmed at times, and how she deals with this. This seems to be a perfect pin for Laura, and great for anyone who needs encouragement with a daunting task or two in front of them. (Photo copyright of Hollywood HousewifeFood blogger supreme, Esther Walker, also writes lifestyle articles for a number of newspapers, and more recently co-wrote a hilarious article on making marriage work for Marie Claire magazine with her husband, writer Giles Coren. Her blog is Recipe Rifle where she cooks, bakes and writes honestly about being a wife and mother. Her book has beaten Gywneth Paltrow's food musings in the bestseller list! Maybe because Gwyneth is not as funny and would never pose with a colander hat. I couldn't find any evidence of Esther Pinteresting via her blog or Twitter account, and because her writing is hilariously sardonic and witty, I just had a feeling that she would be a bit too cool for school about pinning. Of course she is! She did, however send me this lovely response - "I wish I could help but I honestly have never ever understood Pinterest or what I'm supposed to do with it, or what other people do with it... If it's any help, the most inspiring quote I've ever seen is this one: 'Those greater than you have suffered; why not you?' I don't know its origins, but I think about it often." -  I tried to find this on Pinterest, but to no avail. Someone needs to design this! A brilliant quote for when you are feeling sorry for yourself. (Photo copyright of Florence Walker)  

When Holly Bailey of Alternate Normality gave me her fave pin I was not at all surprised. This is perfect for the girl who makes looking like a rainbow rockabilly the easiest thing in the world. When I first met her I asked approximately three hundred questions about her hair and clothes, and despite being probed by people all the time about her striking style she takes it in good humour. Holly's blog is also a riot of colour and sparkle, and she sells fab hair accessories like this cherry one she models here. Maybe not all of us were born to stand out with multi-coloured barnets, but I think Dr. Seuss meant there is something special about each and every one of us. Dr. Seuss is amazing, I have pinned many a quote of his! (Photo copyright of Alternate Normality)


Emily Von Euw hails from Canada and writes This Rawsome Vegan Life, a blog about wholesome and natural food to make us beautiful from the inside out. Emily's recipes (all vegan, and mostly raw) show that you can still have treats, thus having your dairy-free cake and eating it. Whether you're a full on vegan, or just looking for some healthier recipes, this is a great source of information. I pin just about every recipe Emily blogs, keeping a stock of vegan recipes for the day when I man up and fully ditch the dairy. Emily gave me not one, but three pins. The above quote is about seizing the day, and she also likes "Be the change you wish to see in the world" by Ghandhi, and "Be here now", which is about being present and in the moment. Emily is reminded of the latter quote each and every day as she has it tattooed on her wrist! (Photo copyright of Emily Von Euw)


Shauna Haider is the beautiful face behind Nubby Twiglet, a blog so resplendent that reading it feels like getting sucked into a vortex of stunning images and ideas from which you have difficulty returning to the rest of the interweb. You won't be surprised to learn that Shauna is a graphic designer, and that she's based in very hip Portland, Orgeon. It's so interesting to see her inspirations through glossy images, and she gives great advice on how to build your brand. Shauna chose this deliciously dark Pinterest quote from Sinatra, saying she loves it because "there are always going to be people that will get in your way and convince you that your dreams aren't possible. They'll tell you that it's better to play it safe in life and to have a safety net instead of going out on a limb and taking big chances. But taking those chances is what makes us feel alive, and even if things don't work out quite as we planned at least we'll have a good story to tell! Life is too short not to take those big chances. And when you finally make it to the other side, the best revenge is proving that you actually could."  Go Shauna! (Photo copyright of Shauna Haider)

  Lovely, smiling Julie Fagan writes Peanut Butter Fingers which is about her life in Florida with her husband and super cute dog! Julie blogs what she eats every single day, and journals her workout routines. She is super healthy and I love reading about her strict fitness regime as I tuck into tea and biscuits whilst lying on the sofa. I thought Julie's pin of choice would be something like "Workout or DIE!", but she surprised me with this biblical quote. Her reason? "I love this so much because it reminds me to keep my thoughts positive. By reminding myself to focus on the good things in life, I feel happier inside and want to spread joy to those around me. Sometimes it's hard to remain optimistic, but no matter how awful a day may seem, if you look hard enough, you can always find that silver lining." This simplicity of this quote is stunning! It may have even blown my mind a little bit. (Photo copyright of Julie Fagan)  

Michigan maven, Taylor Reyes, is the mastermind behind lifestyle blog Welcome Home Taylor. She has fantastic photography, and the cutest cats EVER! I can spend ages looking at her two cats, is that weird? You wouldn't think so if you saw how adorbs they are! If you like Taylor's glossy pictures of Americana you can buy them as prints in her Etsy shop. She says "I love this quote because its helped me through many an obstacle. The 'who' might not necessarily be someone else, it could be myself. There are times when I want to give up on things, and I need to repeat this quote to myself and say 'do not be the one to stop yourself.' With this idea in mind I've been able to accomplish a lot of things, and I hope to continue as well." I think this is a brilliant choice, because we might encounter people who stop us from reaching our goals in life, and one of them who could very easily be yourself. Rand is a legend! This is a real go-getter life motto. (Photo copyright of Welcome Home Taylor)


I had to know what Alexandra Franzen's quote of choice would be! This is the woman who is a communication specialist and writes about making money and dreams come true with the magic of written language. Her whole site is filled with inspirational quotes that she penned herself! So, who does this wonder wordsmith turn to for a boost? She chose Oscar Wilde's line from his play Lady Windermere's Fan, calling it "my favourite humbling-yet-uplifting quote of all time." And I suppose that's what all these quotes do; remind us how vast and difficult the world is, but hint to the extraordinary powers we possess within us, or the need to just slow down and appreciate what we have. (Photo copyright of Alexandra Franzen)



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