Selfridges Stationery Haul

Selfridges Stationery Haul


For what feels like the five hundredth time in 2016 (so far), a wave of determination to get organised has washed over me. Whether or not it completely washes over my head, or if I crack on with everything on my never-ending to-do list remains to be seen. In the meantime, what a girl needs to get her act together is some stationery, and hello Selfridges stationery department, don't mind if I do.


Design Letters Studio Sarah Stationery

Studio Sarah Pink Gold Notebook


It really helps me to see not just my day, but my whole week planned out, and to colour-code what needs to be done urgently, what deadlines are looming, and any meetings or events I have. This weekly planner (above) by Design Letters is so simple, a tear off pad with lots of space to make lists. Obviously, some kind of electronic planner would be more economical, but I'm all about the pretty paper. Speaking of which, how aesthetically pleasing is the pink and gold notebook from Studio Sarah? I'm really loving her colourful designs, the perfect sized pads to slip in your bag and make notes in whilst on the move. Again, I could just use my phone for this (and quite often do), but just having this cute pastel and metallic notebook in my possession is giving me life (it's a stationery addict thing). The pencils, by the way, are from Paperchase, but I got them ages ago, sorry - ditto with the copper pencil pot. The candle is Bella Freud, and it smells like heaven sealed into wax, loving it indeed. 


Polite LTD Stoics Notebooks


I really like these Stoics notebooks from Polite LTD (above). They have different sets of philosophers; the pessimists, the existentialists, the anti-capitalists, and so on, each set having three A5 notebooks. Is it bad that I chose the stoics set because I like the colours best? (I'm clearly still jonesing for grey stationery). Each notebook is named after a famous Ancient Greek stoic, their aim was for people to be less vulnerable to chaos, to not blindly assume everything will be fine, that we can do anything and have everything if we have order, calm and reason in a difficult world. That's what my life is right now; in need of some order and calm, and I going to be more stoic just by using these beautifully bound books and filling them with thoughts to order my mind. What's the betting that they just get filled with chaotic lists of worries, and my to-do list pad gets left on a bus or something. No problem, it will be another excuse to stationery shop. Hmm... stationery. 



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