Dinosaur World Live At London Wonderground

 Dinosaur World Live is a fantastic hour-long show to take the kids to this summer. I took my dinosaur-obsessed four year old nephew and less dino-enthused seven year old niece, and both loved it. An hour of intense puppetry involving lots of screeches (from both dinosaurs and audience), all building up to the big daddy T-Rex that got the younger children screaming. My niece was expecting more of a story, but she still really liked it. The format is Miranda, a sort of dinosaur zookeeper, introduces you to different beasts one by one and tells you lots of facts about them. Dinosaur World Live is on tour, and for the whole of August 2021 it will be at London Wonderground near Earls Court, a fab venue with a giant sand pit, fairground rides and food stalls. We made a whole day of it there, seeing the 11am show, then having lunch and a few hours in the sand (the kids) and on rides. London Wonderground is free to get in, Dinosaur World Live tickets start at £16.Tickets were kindly gifted to me for this review 


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