Nokia Lumia 1020 Street Art Tour


 I was thrilled to be asked by Nokia to go on a tour of East London's street art with a group of bloggers to test out their Lumia 1020. I'm an iPhone girl through and through, but I'd heard great things about the camera in the Lumia 1020, and couldn't wait to give it a go. As soon as I unpacked my phone I loved the bright yellow design, and the huge touch-screen. It's slightly bigger than the iPhone 5, but is also very lightweight. The photos have a very high resolution, and looked fantastic on the screen. Several times throughout the day I'd take the same photo on my iPhone, and the Lumia was always the clear winner! I had a fantastic day, learning so much about street art, and meeting some lovely lifestyle bloggers. The icing on the cake came when we also had the opportunity of a lifetime to meet one of London's most well known street artists... more on that later.  Living in London I see so much street art, and I do appreciate witty and beautiful pieces. But I'm probably guilty of looking rather than seeing, and this tour made me stop and observe and understand street art as I would with any art in a gallery. Our tour was led by David Stuart of Shoreditch Street Art Tours, a lovely man who is an absolute expert. His tour was super engaging, and I urge you to go on one. We learnt that street art is probably the most political type of art there is, not just because it's open to the masses, but because it can be added to and layered upon to constantly shift meanings. Often to amusing effect; the one below has been changed to say "Fight the rich and their wars."  We were told about so many artists that I can't remember all their names (another good reason to go on the tour yourself!). These little silver faces peepng out from amongst broken walls were a highlight.  It's great that the Nokia Lumia 1020 shoots well in low light, as we had been walking and snapping for so long it was starting to get dark. This didn't stop us, though!  Although, some people did start to get a bit more experimental with their art appreciation.....  I think you'll agree that the night time shots look resplendent! Good work, Nokia Lumia!  Tomorrow I'll post Part 2 to show you what happened when we were granted a private audience with world renowned street artist Pure Evil.  


Pure Evil Street Artist


Highgate Literary and Scientific Institution Christmas Fair