Ten Years of The Prosecco Diaries

My ten year blog anniversary was back in May this year, and I didn’t mark it with anything, but a couple of months later I decided to part ways with my blogging platform, Go Daddy, and start afresh on Squarespace which is easier to use and a bit cheaper. It’s now the end of September and I am only just re-launching my blog, because I’ve been very busy, but also - it’s been a frickin’ nightmare to swap blogging platforms.

Squarespace assured me it would be easy peasy and I could just basically upload all my content from Go Daddy, choose a template, and then it would all be good to go. Reader, it was not all good to go, it was pretty far from good or go. Cut to a Squarespace customer service person saying, yeah… your photos won’t upload, you’ll have to do that manually. And ditto with putting things in new categories I’ve created. And none of the posts were formatted right. Ugh! I’ve got some 600 posts, so it’s been really slow and arduous, and I’ve ended up deleting many of them at more frustrated times when it was all becoming too much.

I still haven’t finished, but as my work is getting busier next month I’ve decided to just go ahead and go live not fully ready. So, apologies for some posts not being formatted or in categories yet, and some categories on the home page still being empty. It’s going to be a work in progress.

However, I did want to take a moment to reflect on ten years of The Prosecco Diaries. Things have changed so much in that time, both in my life and on the blog (see my About page for a wee update). I still want to continue with the blog because I love the opportunities it gives me and the lovely people I meet and the lovely readers I hear from. I am going to try and be more diverse in my content and upload more, and if I can, make it a more creative space. And if not, it will still be a place you can get trusted reviews from on everything from books to beauty treatments. Whether you’re a new reader or you’ve been here from the start, thank you so much for taking time to read this blog, I appreciate you very much.


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